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Teacher Leadership

A 2-day Signature Teacher Leadership development program that will enable Principals and Teachers know what it takes of them to be a true source of inspiration, a mentor & guide to their learners and create a "Classroom culture that students want to belong to”.

Human Mind cultivation and development is a continuous process and it is the one thing that enables people lead enriching lives in any profession they choose. Enrichment in life is attained by “peacefully co‐existing” in a world, whether or not there is abundance or scarcity of resources at the point of consumption.

If the need is to truly enrich our lives, habits like cooperation, collaboration, mutual self‐respect etc needs to be inculcated in our system early in the process of human mind cultivation and development.




“No single principle of school reform is more valid or durable than the maxim that “student Learning depends first, last, and always on the quality of the teachers.” Educationist & Experts always disagree about how highly to value a school, its size or how the system functions or whether it is adequately funded - but nobody’s list of education’s priorities fails to place “teacher quality” at the top.

Some questions that occasionally haunt us but disappears in the quagmire is who is a teacher? Are they born teachers or can they be made teachers? What are the attributes of a teacher? How do I be and teach in a way it is self fulfilling and inspiring to my learners? A plethora of questions occur, but are never considered and answered. This initiative will enable Principals and Teacher distinguish this and master their skills as a teacher leader.

In distinguishing the purpose of this program, it may be useful to first presence what this Workshop is not about. “This is not a generic How to effectively Teach kind of Exercise”. The purpose of this workshop is also not to fix any burning problem. Our premise and therefore our belief is :
“The teachers in this world are looking to constantly creating the edge in their teaching ability and contributing to the overall growth and success of their students, institutions and also serving their career”. Our purpose is to strengthen that and provide the tools for improvement and sustainability.

Therefore the purpose of this program is to “ enable the Teaching fraternity to “know, learn and adapt” the teacher leadership skills, that will alter the way they Communicate, Behave, Manage and Lead on and off class room” and develop a “profound relationship” to the cause & effect of teaching.